Why I Hate Leftists, Progressive, Liberal Hypocrisy!

Why I hate leftists! Let me start by saying, the current problem we have in America is, all the leftist rich kid radicals from the 60’s, are now in places, of what once were High honor, before they corrupted them with their quest to control the rest of us. While they could NEVER control themselves! Now they are running the government, thereby running America into the ground, implementing their leftist tyrannical ideology. Thinking they are so smart, when they are REALLY, the most unlearned among us, because they, unlike the rest of us, never had to struggle in the REAL WORLD! They have never done anything, outside the university, government and politics. They grew up with the indulgences of their parents, who were also indulged throughout their lives.

They never experienced walking barefoot in the pasture, and accidentally getting cow manure between their toes. They’ve never worked on a car with points in it, under a shade tree in the yard. They’ve never toiled for years on a farm, and barely eked out a living from the dirt. Indeed most of them don’t even know what it’s like, to have dirt under their finger nails. The closest they come to getting dirt under their nails is when they touch the mud pack of their facials.

They fly around in private jets, while lecturing the rest of us about what kind of vehicle WE should drive. They use bidet’s to clean off their bums, while lecturing the rest of us on how many sheets of toilet paper to use. They’ve never known the feeling of wiping there butts with a leaf in the woods. They’ve never used an outhouse, while looking at the stars thru the crescent  moon cut in the door. They don’t know what it was like, as a kid to experience a country boys mud pack, i.e. a mud fight with your siblings and friends, whereby you get mud not only all over your face, but the rest of your body as well.

They don’t know what it’s like, to have to work 2-3 jobs just to keep their families fed, clothed and sheltered. They don’t know the feeling of a cow’s tit while milking in the early morning. They didn’t grow up watching their mom’s and dad’s working themselves to death, just to send their kids to college. They’ve never set on the end of a dock fishing, while the crawdads pinched their toes, alongside their grandfather in the heat of summer. They drive around in $250,000 cars, if they aren’t being driven in a limo, while trying to make the rest of us ride on commuter trains, buses, bicycles, etc.

They don’t know the putt-putt sound of the tractors engine, while preparing the ground to get the family crops in. If they want a garden they pay someone else to plant a little garden that means nothing to them, if the grasshoppers eat up all the fruits of their labors. Matter of fact most of them wouldn’t know a grasshopper, if the saw one in real life. The closest any of them have ever been to a cricket, is Jiminy Cricket in the cartoons.

They don’t know We The People, because they have never experienced the hardships, that their policies, do to the average American. They don’t know us, because they have never caught fire flies on the prairie, put them in a jar to read a comic book by after their parents put them to bed. Indeed their parents never put them to bed, nor knelt down humbly beside them at their bed, and said “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep”. Nor have they ever done the same with their own children. All the while lecturing us, on how we should let them give OUR children condoms in grade school.

They spend millions and millions of tax dollars “researching” their junk science theories, like man made global warming, while not even factoring in the effects of the one thing that causes warming, the Sun. They do this, just so they can come up with more ways to “convince” the rest of us to give them more taxes. Taxes they can then use to “research” more ways to control our lives. They fly around in private luxury jets, while creating the TSA goon squad for the rest of us, under the pretense of hurting some terrorist Islamic fascists feelings with profiling, terrorists who would cut off their heads, given half a chance.

They use taxpayer dollars to fly to New York for a night on the town, while telling the rest of us, our children or grandchildren, to eat our peas. They cozy up to Islamic terror groups, while calling the Tea Party Patriots terrorists and Hobbits for wanting Washington to stop spending those same children and grand children’s futures into oblivion. They tell us to “Do it for the Children” not caring they are enslaving our children with debt.

Robert Kennedy Jr at one of his numerous environmentalist wacko rallys

They take a helicopter to take pictures of themselves on glaciers, most of us will never be privileged enough to see, telling us our breath is the poison, causing those glaciers to melt. While ignoring the fact the earth was once covered in ice. They spend thousands of dollars a month for electricity, while lecturing us on what light bulbs we need to use.

They send their kids to private schools, while keeping the rest of us from having school choice! They ALWAYS say do it for the children, while they want as many of those same children as possible, aborted at or before birth!

They lecture us about giving more money to government to feed the poor and needy, while never giving a dime of their own money to charity. They lecture us about the homeless, having never spoken to, nor spent time, with those same homeless people.

LAPD officers in hazmat suits sort through trash and belongings left behind occupy LA / Wall Street crowd. this is what the occupy crowd left behind at all their so-called rallies!

They leave a garbage dump in the wake of their “rallies” while treating the Tea Party Patriots like uncouth peasants, and telling these same Patriots, how they need to pay more taxes to clean up the environment. There are many books and thousands of web pages dealing with their hypocrisy and lies.

They talk about others telling the truth, never having known the truth or having been honest themselves! If they were honest, they would never get elected!

They are the most intolerant among us, they are the most hypocritical among us. They are whining brats, who need to look within! Instead of worrying about what the rest of us are doing. They use thug tactics, while telling the rest of us, we need to be civil. They lecture us on compromise, while never having known compromise themselves. The list is long and endless. Most of them like the Kennedy’s money came from nefarious means. They don’t know average Americans, nor do they want to. They think we smell up the Capitol buildings. While their wickedness and hypocrisy smell to high heaven.

They have accused Christians for years of telling them how to live their lives, while they now create laws and policies to ACTUALLY control ALL our lives themselves!

They are the ones Jesus spoke against, got angry with, and ran out of the Temple. They are the ones, who have created EVERY problem America has had, since its founding! They ARE the ones the Founders warned US about!

by Tea Party Patriot and Proud Hobbit, R. Davis, 2011

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