Open letter to Speaker Boehner and the Republican party

Dear Mr. Speaker,

Let’s have a heart to heart! We the American people have compromised with the GOP while they put forth RINOS for us to elect.. While we compromised with the GOP and held our noses at the voting booth, the GOP were busy compromising with the democrats (more like demo-rats). Now you politicians have got us into a hole that it is going to take more than a generation to get us out of.

Is it REALLY ANY WONDER WHY,?,,,we don’t buy your arguments anymore? We stood by the GOP, while the GOP broke their promises time after time! They have been wishy-washy, and have sold WE THE PEOPLE out too many times! They did not stand for conservative principles, and now this country is on the brink of financial ruin.

When the GOP was in charge, WE THE PEOPLE by 70%+, told you we were sick of the tricks on the amnesty issue, the democrats did not listen to us at all, and the GOP did not listen, until they felt the noose around their necks, if they did not! We are sick and tired of the broken promises and lies!

We are sick of the compromise!!! If we wanted compromise, we would not have had a landslide victory, this last election (2010) for the Tea Party people, and republicans elected in places they hadn’t been voted in for a century! I cannot tell you how angry this is making us!

If the GOP doesn’t refuse to compromise with the demo-rats, we are simply going to replace the GOP with those who will!

Do not give me the 3rd party talking points! 3rd party option is strictly up to you in the GOP!! It is the choices you in the GOP make now, that is going to determine whether the 3rd party option is implemented! Do not think, this time, if the GOP does not stand with the tea party and conservatives, that it will be like 3rd party candidates in the past!

The sleeping giant is awake, and we, (I cannot stress this too much) are coming after the Dems, and the GOP Rinos! Those who do not stand with America, and the tea party now, are going to be swept aside in the next few elections!

Unlike the GOP, We the People do not go wobbly! We do not give in! Give up! Nor back down! We will take our country back, from the D.C. eastern corridor establishment, and we will put the power back in the hands of the American people!

Do not think we will fail America, like the GOP has failed us so many times in the past! We will do whatever it takes to take our country back! Do not doubt me!!! We are sick and tired of the same old dog and pony show!

Cut spending now! Start with the U.N., and the alphabet soup agencies that function only to oppress and restrict us the American people! Get the U.N. out of America, and America out of the U.N.!

Find out who knew what, when, on the fast & furious thing, and jail all those involved! If you do not listen to us! We will not listen to you! It is that simple!

We are done with the low living, high minded people on the left coast, and on the leftist coast in the east, telling us how we need to live our lives, and trying to regulate everything we do! We will replace you! We will defeat you! And your legacies will haunt you to your graves!

Believe me, these are not just idle words sir! Please understand this! We do not want to see a 3rd party option either! We are a Republic built on Republican Conservative Christian values! But if we must, to get the Republic back, without compromise! We will do what we have to do!

I hope you personally read these words sir! As long as you stand with us! We will stand with you! You compromise anymore with the Dems/leftist/progressives/​liberals! We will bowl you over with the stampede of new freshman in 2012! Do not think we will go back to sleep! Nor will we fail to take back our country! We are listening! We are watching! And we do mean business!

Do not think! That we the people, do not know that the first chance they get, that the GOP will sell us out farther, with the demo-rats on the amnesty issue! When 70% of the American people said, “no!”, you were all still hard of hearing! Lawlessness begets lawlessness! When you have people that have broken the law, to then be rewarded for doing so, you only encourage more of the same activity! We know why the Dems what so badly to make the 20 million illegal aliens in America legal, we know it is only for the votes that it will give them! It is unfair to those who legally immigrate to America, those who waited in line to come, to then have their citizenship cheapened, by those who break our laws to come here!

We are done with you, who compromise! It is that simple! We are simply done! You in the GOP, have this one last chance to do what is right! Do not fail us again! Do not fail America again!

Please sir, respectfully, I ask you to take these words to heart, America needs her patriotic sons, now more than any time since the revolution! She is hurt, and she is bleeding, but she is by no means out! We will not fail her, even if you in Washington do!

We are tired of Washington standing on ours, our children’s, and our grand-children’s necks, while Washington sells us out to numerous interests, around the world!

Please make us proud, and be inspiring, we are counting on you, in the GOP this one last time! Your time is now! Don’t “just do it”, “just do it right” for us, for God, for America!!!! May god have mercy on us all, and I pray that HE is still with us, because we have seen that Washington isn’t!

We the American people do not want to change America! We want to change Washington! We have counted on the GOP, too many times to help us do that! Almost, just as any times that we have counted on the GOP, in the last 100+ years, they have failed us! The only time in that period that they have not failed us! That time was when we had a true conservative named Reagan!

The age of Reagan is not over sir! The age of Reagan has only began to live! Though the Rinos in the GOP, and the Dems have tried to kill it! It still lives mightily in the hearts of we the people! It will not die! And we will overcome! As simple evidence that the age of Reagan is not over! All you have to do is look how the Dems invoke his name when they fail to get what they want otherwise!


Sincerely and God bless
R. Davis

9 thoughts on “Open letter to Speaker Boehner and the Republican party

  1. Pingback: Gun Control Lessons From Wounded Knee South Dakota as Experienced by the Sioux | Captain James Davis

  2. Pingback: The Betrayal Of ‘We The American People’ Our Nation! Our Birthright! | Captain James Davis

  3. I campaigned for Reagan for his 2nd term when I was a Young Republican in High School. As a Freshman in college, I was Treasurer for the College Republicans. I was lucky to get to work for an advance team for Herbert Walker Bush. I have campaigned and volunteer for the GOP. I donate to the NRC and NRCC. I poured money into PAC’s and the Mitt Romney campaign. NOW, enough is enough. I have informed the NRC and NRCC there will be no more $ until things change. Oh how I dream about the days of Reagan when what he said he meant. He had spine. The world looked to him as a true leader. One to be looked up to. Where is that GOP? Has it been sold out? Do you not love the country you stand for? Do you not respect the people you work for? These are the people that love their country. The ones the Constitution defends.


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